LoudSwarm offers an all-in-one experience, making it as easy to browse the content of an event as it is to switch TV channels.
Users can watch presentations together, interact with one another and ask questions of speakers in real time. LoudSwarm effectively allows for networking live as people would at an in-person event, boosting engagement and retention.
Attendees no longer need to juggle multiple windows on their screen to lay out simultaneously a Zoom view, a Slack chat and a polling app: LoudSwarm brings everything in an all-in-one user-friendly interface.
Producing a highly engaging virtual event can be deceivingly complex, time-consuming and technical. Your LoudSwarm team will assist every step of the way from consulting and logistics to live event support and analytics.
With LoudSwarm, organizers have the ability to display responsive banner ads above each talk, as well as on the program page.
Organizers can easily push general notifications in front of attendees. Now you can be sure they see your messages.
LoudSwarm provides an easy “TV channel switching” experience that avoids the frustration of searching for the browser window, Slack app, or mail app to join a specific talk.
LoudSwarm offers an all-in-one experience, making it as easy to browse the content of an event as it is to switch TV channels.
LoudSwarm puts attendees in control of their own virtual experience.
LoudSwarm offers an intuitive and integrated virtual experience:
The success of any virtual event is measured by the level of engagement between the various parties. The more interactive and immersive an event is, the more successful it will be.
Hear what our event participants have to say about LoudSwarm.