Offer a Truly Engaging Virtual Experience with LoudSwarm

Put participants in control of their own virtual experience and allow them to network live with fellow attendees.

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A Game Changer

LoudSwarm offers an all-in-one experience, making it as easy to browse the content of an event as it is to switch TV channels.

Highly Engaged Audience

Users can watch presentations together, interact with one another and ask questions of speakers in real time. LoudSwarm effectively allows for networking live as people would at an in-person event, boosting engagement and retention.

All-in-one Integrated Experience

Attendees no longer need to juggle multiple windows on their screen to lay out simultaneously a Zoom view, a Slack chat and a polling app: LoudSwarm brings everything in an all-in-one user-friendly interface.

A True White Glove Experience

Producing a highly engaging virtual event can be deceivingly complex, time-consuming and technical. Your LoudSwarm team will assist every step of the way from consulting and logistics to live event support and analytics.

Advertising Opportunities

With LoudSwarm, organizers have the ability to display responsive banner ads above each talk, as well as on the program page.

Easy Communication with Attendees

Organizers can easily push general notifications in front of attendees. Now you can be sure they see your messages.

Intuitive Interface

LoudSwarm provides an easy “TV channel switching” experience that avoids the frustration of searching for the browser window, Slack app, or mail app to join a specific talk.

Explore LoudSwarm

Watch an overview of the LoudSwarm platform.

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Flexible Programming

LoudSwarm offers an all-in-one experience, making it as easy to browse the content of an event as it is to switch TV channels.

  • Support for Multi-Day, Multi-Track Scheduling
    LoudSwarm supports events spanning multiple days with multiple tracks. Poster sessions will also be supported soon.
  • Quick Access to Sessions
    Attendees can either browse all talks on a specific day or directly search the entire event for a specific talk title or speaker. They can also create their own personal program.
Schedule Screenshot
Player Screenshot

Live and On-Demand Content

LoudSwarm puts attendees in control of their own virtual experience.

  • Live Streaming and DVR
    Attendees can join live streamed presentations without having to sign up for a streaming service. LoudSwarm also comes with DVR functionality, allowing attendees to rewind and fast forward at any point on a live talk.
  • Video Recording
    With LoudSwarm, attendees enjoy on-demand access to previously recorded presentations. Organizers also have the ability to schedule the playback of pre-recorded videos when speakers choose not to air their talks live.

All-in-one Fully Branded Experience

LoudSwarm offers an intuitive and integrated virtual experience:

  • Fully Branded Virtual Experience
    Each event can have its own LoudSwarm URL and can sport its own logo on the login and streaming interface. Top sponsor logos can be prominently displayed in the top header. Organizers also have the ability to program intermissions with slideshows or videos for maximum sponsor visibility.
  • Zoom, Slack and Integration
    LoudSwarm offers an all-in-one view of live streams, posts in related Slack channels as well as polls and Q&A activities.
Login Screenshot
Gallery Screenshot

High Organizer-Speaker-Sponsor Engagement

The success of any virtual event is measured by the level of engagement between the various parties. The more interactive and immersive an event is, the more successful it will be.

  • Multiple Points of Interaction
    Whereas traditional virtual events rely on chats and emails to communicate with their attendees, LoudSwarm provides organizers with multiple connection points, such as general notifications across all tracks, highly customizable banner ads, live feedback requests and a virtual swag bag.
  • Interactive Gallery
    At any point during a presentation, attendees can choose to join the session’s gallery and get instantly connected to fellow attendees watching the talk. This option also gives them a chance to engage face-to-face with the speaker in real-time after the presentation.


Hear what our event participants have to say about LoudSwarm.

Powered byLoudSwarm

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